Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder arthroscopy or Key hole surgery in the shoulder joint is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat various shoulder joint conditions and injuries. It involves the use of a small, flexible tube called an arthroscope, which is equipped with a camera and specialized surgical instruments. We use this technique to access and work inside the shoulder joint through small incisions rather than open surgery, which requires larger incisions.

Here are some common reasons for performing shoulder arthroscopy:

  • Rotator Cuff Repair: Arthroscopy can be used to repair torn tendons in the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that help stabilize and move the shoulder joint.
  • Labral Repair: The labrum is a ring of cartilage that lines the rim of the shoulder socket. Tears in the labrum can be repaired using arthroscopy in patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations/ instability or pain.
  • Impingement Syndrome: Arthroscopy can remove bone spurs or inflamed tissue that may be causing pain and reduced range of motion in the shoulder.
  • Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis): Arthroscopy may be used to release tight or thickened joint capsules in patients with frozen shoulder.
  • Shoulder Instability: For recurrent shoulder dislocations or instability, arthroscopy can be used to tighten or repair ligaments and other structures that support the shoulder joint.
  • Biceps Tendon Disorders: Conditions affecting the long head of the biceps tendon, such as tendinitis or tears, can be treated with arthroscopy.

The benefits of shoulder arthroscopy include

  • smaller incisions,
  • Better wound healing
  • reduced postoperative pain,
  • shorter recovery times, and
  • less scarring

compared to traditional open surgery.

Recovery from shoulder arthroscopy typically involves physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises to regain strength and range of motion in the shoulder. The exact recovery time can vary depending on the individual and the specific procedure performed.

If you are advised to undergo Shoulder Arthroscopy and you wish to have a second opinion, then It's important to consult with us to assess your shoulder condition and discuss how shoulder arthroscopy can benefit you. We will consider your medical history, the severity of your condition, and other factors to suggest a personalized treatment plan.

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